Worship & Wellness

Worship & Wellness

Worship and wellness are not normally terms that typically go together in a congruent fashion.  However, if we replaced the word “wellness” with “wholeness” or “healing”, then we can easily see the correlation.  In today’s world, people are worshipping wellness, not necessarily the One who gives us the power to be made “whole” (Luke 8:48).

Healthiness and holiness go hand in hand and wellness is definitely a part of worshipping Yahweh (God)!  Worship and wellness are related in that wellness is a form of worship.  We are to present ourselves (bodies) as a living sacrifices holy and acceptable unto Yahweh (God) that is our reasonable service (Romans 12:1).

Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Wise Living Ministries is committed to illustrating how Yahweh cares about our health and wellness.  We will examine how what we are to eat today is highlighted in the Torah (Old Testament) scriptures as found in Genesis 1:29, Deuteronomy 14:4-5, Leviticus 11:2-8.

Now, what would happen if we look to the WORD for examples on we live healthy.

Do you realize that a lot of what we do today that cause harm to our bodies?  And some of these things involve what we eat and how we rest…

For example, we know that some of foods Yahweh prohibits us from eating are known scavengers.  And some of these animals can elevate cholesterol levels…

You ARE what you eat and you CONSUME what it eats.Candace Allen

So, why would we not study to show ourselves approved in the area of health and wellness regarding every part of our being (Spirit, Soul & Body)? If there is a healthier way to live that leads to wholeness, wellness and healing, why not look to Elohim, our Creator for the answer first?!

Join the Wise Living movement and sign up for our upcoming WholeLife WebinarsLifeStyle Sessions or Financial Friday’s today!  #LIVEYOURWHOLELIFENOW

We can live holy, we can live healthy, we can live wealthy so we can LIVE Wisely!

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