Live Your WHOLE Life NOW!

Live Your WHOLE Life NOW!

Welcome to the Wise Living International web site!  We are excited to share with you all things related to this unique topic…”wise living”.  And if you are wondering what is “wise living” exactly, we welcome you to join us on our journey to discover how to experience “wise living”.

At Wise Living International, we were assigned to delve into the subject matter of living a WHOLE life.  Thus, the tagline/hashtag, LIFE YOUR WHOLE NOW (#liveyourwholelifenow!) was created.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to slaughter (kill), and to destroy. I have come that they might possess life (have life), and that they might possess it beyond measure (may have it more abundantly).(John 10:10)

While we were created into being to live, but is this a life we have/possess or does it have/possess us?  Are we living an abundant life…beyond measure?  Lastly, are we allowing what we pursue in life, possess us or are we being consumed by what we pursue…

We need to explore these questions with much reflection and meditation!

At WLM, we believe that we possess LIFE and do so beyond measure.  To live wisely is to live this life with wholeness and fullness in mind.  We are interested in seeking biblical insight and inspiration to possess the abundant LIFE promised through Yahweh’s (God’s) Word!

Do we have LIFE or does it have us?.Candace Allen

Join the Wise Living movement and sign up for our upcoming WholeLife WebinarsLifeStyle Sessions or Financial Friday’s today!  #LIVEYOURWHOLELIFENOW

We can live holy, we can live healthy, we can live wealthy so we can LIVE Wisely!

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