Living Wholly?!

Living Wholly?!

We women seem to be in a race these days to prove our awesomeness!  “Why, would you say that?”, one might ask.  Why? Is it because we often serve others before ourselves (many of us were brought up this way.) or perhaps it’s due in part to the many roles we play.  You know the ones you played…”The Devoted Daughter”, “The Sister’s Sidekick “, “The Faithful Friend” and/or the infamous role of “The Woman of Many Faces” that comprises of playing Mom, Wife, Professional, and a collection of others.  With all the roles we play, with ease, we have to ask, “Where’s my award, Academy?!”…

Long story short, the roles we often play were never meant for the big screen, but for life!  So, are you playing roles in hopes of receiving an award?  Or, are you living your life with pursuit of purpose in accordance to Abba Father’s predetermined destiny for your life?!  Playing the role of a character and being the one who inspired the role are two distinct functions.  Which one are you?  The actress or the heroine the story is about…

And the man called his wife’s name Hawwah (Eve), because she became the mother of all living. (Genesis 3:20)

Eve, was created to be the mother of all living creation.  What an awe-inspiring appointment she received from Elohim, the Creator?!  Whew! Talk about pressure to live up to that assignment.

Imagine if Eve was given this task without the ability to live, move, breathe and have her being (Acts 17:28).

Do you feel as though your playing a role, but not living the life Abba Father originally created you for? Are you going through the motions?  Are you performing for everyone else around you?  If so, it’s time to turn in your acting credentials to the Screen Actors Guild. It’s time to Live WHOLLY!

Living Wholly?!  What’s that?  And where can I get some?  Okay okay, one question at a time.

Living Wholly is a biblical concept where we apply wisdom + holiness = wholeness formula to our lives.  Eve’s original task was to mother the living!  So, understanding Yahweh’s (The Lord’s) original plan for us, as women, is extremely essential. In today’s society, we are expected to play roles that were man-made or man-inspired.  We don’t have to usurp the Father’s predestined plan for us by putting on a performance for people.

Yahweh (The Lord) allows us to access to His enabling ability through His Set Apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) to help us live, well wholly!  The woman with the issue of blood as described in Luke 8:43-48, received not just healing but wholeness (Strong’s G4982). We can live this life we were given in full measure with assured safety, deliverance, healing and preservation in and through the Messiah (Jesus)!

Stop playing roles and begin to LIVE again!Candace Allen

Living Wholly can truly be achieved.  Through Yahweh’s (The Lord’s) Word, we learn biblical principles on how we can live (and not die) boldly declaring the works of Yahweh (The Lord).  Let’s stop playing roles and let’s begin to LIVE again!

Join the Wise Living movement and sign up for our upcoming WholeLife WebinarsLifeStyle Sessions or Financial Friday’s today!  #LIVEYOURWHOLELIFENOW

We can live holy, we can live healthy, we can live wealthy so we can LIVE Wisely!

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